Saturday, September 03, 2005

Today 's class(Sep 3) experiences

7th standard- English and Maths

The number of kids is 30.
They are uncontrollable. They keep fighting.
Everybody wants a chance to come to the board.
Some kids are very bad. Some are good ( wrt studies). The good kids dominate the class a lot. That puts off the other kids. Also this time is when these kids get to be free & independent. So they enjoy.

Now comes the hard question. Is the classes really useful? Did I really end up teaching the kids.

It has been quite some time since I started interacting with the kids. Otherthan creating an atmosphere for freedom, the impact that I seem to create interms of teaching is minimum.

So if we say the teaching goals - 2hr slot is
1. Remove Shyness- Give caring, individual attention.
2. Motivation
3. Evaluate- Interact with teachers-Set Goals

Then things seem to be fine. The evaluation that I have done mentally, has to be done with more rigour from now on.


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