Monday, September 12, 2005

Hippocampus 3 rd session - Tails

What went well or as planned?

We had 3 volunteers who knew the local language (Tamil). We divided the class into three groups. We divided the total time into 15 min, 45 min, 30 min for prereading,
Reading and Postreading respectively. Prereading took 15 min. But Reading took more than an hour. Postreading we could spend only 15 min or so.

What new things did you add while conducting the session?
We had one floating volunteer to collect the feedback as to how things were going on etc.
We pushed in some examples of animals, birds, insects, reptiles and flies. We tried to introduce discipline by saying anyone has to raise their hands and then only talk. ( Last class discipline was a major problem)

What didn’t go well? What do you think could be the reason?
Reading took lot of time. Probably we should spend one more session on the same book.

What change would you make in the Reading Session Plan?
Try to maintain 1:6 kind of ratio between volunteer and students for better progress.

Any other suggestion/ thought?
Since we are dealing with 6th std kids, we have to make things little more matured and challenging. ( I feel the standard of the book is sort of for 4th std )


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