Thursday, September 07, 2006

August 2006 update

Finally Swati has got the HippoCampus thing going with the help from Anitha and Ambica. Sundari s trying hard to make it to the classes. Poor lady..lots of work in office prob..

I experimented the following thing in seventh standard:
Took one story from their English textbook. Read that aloud. Asked them to repeat.
Out of 30 kids, 10 can read comfortably on their own. 10 can read a
bit and 10 cannot read..

Then asked them to form some simple sentences to make the same story,
on their own. They got the words. I helped them in making the sentences.

Then finally called few people and made them enact the story.

Take homes: The idea is interesting and can be continued.
Can be made more interesting with few more volunteers. With
more teams it will be good.

Also Swati s idea of talking in English more & more with the kids
should be tried out.


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