Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sep 2006

9 Sep Class:

HippoCampus session at 6std went on well.

Today the HM complained that all the new bathroom
was stolen..taps worth 700 and pipes another 100 or so
are gone...She finally remarked the stealing has reduced
these days .

may be its time to look for some more new volunteers.
Shud think of some idea.

16 Sep Class:

Tried the same as previous class with 7th std.
Desingh was also there. I read a lesson. Made
them repeat. Explained the meaning. And finally made
them enact the lesson.

The enacting people enjoyed. But others felt bored.
Shud try with more volunteers. It can be done in groups.
Let me see if it can be done next week.

The kids have so much of creativity. Shud try making
them use it. Shud think of some ideas which the teachers
cannot afford to do.

Later Swathi, Anitha, Desingh and myself had a lunch meeting.
It was sort of nice to hear other people s experiences.
Desingh said he will take up the vocabs. Lets us see.
Shud remind him.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

August 2006 update

Finally Swati has got the HippoCampus thing going with the help from Anitha and Ambica. Sundari s trying hard to make it to the classes. Poor lady..lots of work in office prob..

I experimented the following thing in seventh standard:
Took one story from their English textbook. Read that aloud. Asked them to repeat.
Out of 30 kids, 10 can read comfortably on their own. 10 can read a
bit and 10 cannot read..

Then asked them to form some simple sentences to make the same story,
on their own. They got the words. I helped them in making the sentences.

Then finally called few people and made them enact the story.

Take homes: The idea is interesting and can be continued.
Can be made more interesting with few more volunteers. With
more teams it will be good.

Also Swati s idea of talking in English more & more with the kids
should be tried out.