Sunday, October 15, 2006

Oct 2006 update

Oct 7- Ambica alone conducted the assessments for the two previous sessions - Flower and the Bee & tails

Oct 14- Attended two meetings - Hippocampus Feedback meeting, DSF school coordinators meet.

Oct 14 Hippocampus Review meeting:
The moderator tried to collect the positives & Concerns of Hippocampus Reading program.

1. The manual gives the flexibility in preparation for the volunteer to show his / her creativity

2. With fluency,conducting the sesions becomes easier.

3. Judging the material and upgrading it according to the level of the children is possible.

1. How to balance between academic - fun?
Ans: Can learning not be fun? Yes

2. Girls and Boys pairing


Peer pairing - kids who read better can pair up with slow learning kids.

Using more of visuals - to reach the kids

Dictionary - is quite successful

Jumbled sentences were also interesting to the kids.


Assessments- Were they too tough?

PS: Met a person in the review meeting, associated with a
organisation called Unnati, giving vocational training
in Retail sales and Tailoring. Tel : 25204439.
Job assured. Salary in FoodWorld or so 2.5k.
Next House maid training.